MAAAS 2022 Conference

The Mid-America Alliance for African Studies (MAAAS) is an organization for the promotion of African Studies in mid-America, including in particular the region between the Mississippi River and the frontal range of the Rocky Mountains. Founded at the University of Kansas in 1995, MAAAS seeks to encourage scholarship and teaching in African Studies regionally and sub-regionally through conferences, seminars, workshops, consortia, faculty and student exchanges, cooperative relations between libraries, and promotion of African language teaching, among other endeavors. MAAAS is open to all with an interest in scholarship and teaching within an African Studies focus, and it seeks especially to provide a forum for far-flung Africanists in the middle of the U.S., where great distances exist between relatively small pockets of African Studies enthusiasts.
Call for Papers: Public Health and Well-being in Global Africa in the Shadow of COVID-19
Mid-America Alliance for African Studies
26th Annual Meeting
University of Kansas Medical Center
October 21-22, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually every aspect of humanity and has focused attention of scholars and researchers from all fields on questions of public health and well-being. Accordingly, the 2022 meeting of MAAAS will bring together a variety of ideas and disciplines to explore the past, present, and future of public health and well-being in Global Africa in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference theme is open to papers and topics that consider not only the historical antecedents, immediate impacts, and future implications of COVID-19; but also broader issues of global health and development.
The conference will happen via a hybrid format with the option to participate in-person or virtually. Please submit a 250-word abstract or panel description to by October 1, 2022. The MAAAS Program Committee will announce decisions regarding abstracts by October 7, 2022. Attendance of the MAAAS 2022 is free but registration is required, register below.
For additional information, please contact the Kansas African Studies Center ( .
Dr. Mary Mba,
MAAAS President
Cottey College
Dr. Sterling Recker
MAAAS Treasurer
North Central Missouri College
Welcome to the back-to-back meetings of WARA and MAAAS happening at The University of Kansas Medical Center from 20-22 OCT 2022. It is an honor to host this exemplary gathering of experts from around the world with a special interest in public health and well-being in global Africa. This platform will prove to be a fantastic opportunity for sharing professional expertise and information, networking and future collaborating!
If you are attending virtually …
Even if you have already registered for the conference (WARA or MAAAS), you will need to register for the Zoom videoconference. You can do so at this link. Once you register for the Zoom videoconference, you will receive the Zoom link and password that you need to access conference events.
If you are joining us in person …
The Medical Center is not an open campus. To this end, you will be issued a badge to allow you entry.
- Upon your initial arrival at the medical center, you will be issued a badge, for which you will sign.
- At the end of the conference, we ask that all badges be returned to the conference organizing team.
In order to facilitate our ability to greet you and your entry into the buildings on each day, we need to direct your parking and movement on campus. Maps are also attached for your use.
- THURSDAY, 10/20, 9-5 Beller 1001 (Alexa Smith or Kimberly Connelly will be the door attendant from 9-11:00 am. If you need entry outside of this time, please call Kimberly at 816-668-6414).
- To park vehicle:
- Parking is located in the P4 Garage at Adams Street and Rainbow Blvd. (just North of 39th street).
- From Rainbow Blvd., turn east onto Adams St.
- Look for an event parking sign.
- At the parking gate, push the call button and mention WARA meeting
- Park on any floor of the garage.
- From the top parking level, walk the pathway from the parking lot to the first building, which is Hemenway.
- Enter into Hemenway on the ground floor.
- Take stairs to the first floor
- Turn left.
- Meeting is at the end of the lobby, Beller 1001
- To park vehicle:
- FRIDAY, 10/21 8-5 ORR MAJOR 2004 (Irina Aris will be the door attendant from 8-12 If you need entry outside of this time and do not yet have a badge, please call Kimberly at 816-668-6414).
- To park vehicle:
- Parking is located in the P4 Garage at Adams Street and Rainbow Blvd. (just North of 39th street).
- From Rainbow Blvd., turn east onto Adams St.
- Look for an event parking sign.
- At the parking gate, push the call button and mention MAAAS conference
- Park on any floor of the garage.
- From the top parking level, walk the pathway from the parking lot to the first building, which is Hemenway.
- Exit Hemenway and walk across the courtyard to the Health Education Building (HEB), enter on the ground floor (do not ascend the stairs).
- Take the elevators to the HEB first floor.
- Cross the HEB bridge.
- At the end of the bridge, go up the stairs.
- At the top of the stairs, take a left into Orr Major.
- You are on the second floor of Orr Major go to ORR MAJOR 2004
- To park vehicle:
- SATURDAY, 10/22, 8-5 SON 4024 (door attendant Kimberly 8-10. If you need entry outside of this time and do not yet have a badge, please call Kimberly at 816-668-6414).)
- Parking is located in the large parking structure at Adams Street and Rainbow blvd (just North of 39th street).
- The parking structure is called P4.
- Look for an EVENT PARKING sign.
- When you go to the parking gate, push the call button and tell them you are attending the MAAAS conference.
- Park in P4.
- From the top parking level, walk the pathway from the parking lot to the first building, which is Hemenway.
- Exit Hemenway and walk across the courtyard to the Health Education Building (HEB), enter on the ground floor (do not ascend the stairs).
- Take the elevators to the HEB first floor.
- Cross the HEB bridge.
- At the end of the bridge, go up the stairs.
- At the top of the stairs, take a right, go to the end of the hall, and then go left.
- Enter into the School of Nursing.
- Find the elevators on your right.
- Take the elevators to the 4th floor, room SON 4024
- Parking is located in the large parking structure at Adams Street and Rainbow blvd (just North of 39th street).
Thursday, 10/20/2022: WARA Networking Reception: 5:15-7:00 OurHouseKC 1815 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO 64111 (within one block of the medical center)
Friday 10/21/2022: MAAAS Networking Reception/Dinner: 6-8:00–Travel to Taste of Brazil 25 E 3rd St, Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 527-0400 (must uber or drive)
For any needs, please text Kimberly Connelly at 816-668-6414
MAAAS Educator Fellowship
The Kansas African Studies Center (KASC) is accepting applications for the 2022 MAAAS Outreach Fellowship The fellowship provides $250 for travel, accommodation, and related costs of attendance at the annual meeting of the Mid-America Alliance for African Studies (MAAAS) at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, KS on October 21-22, 2022. Eligibility is open to educators at any level, but KASC will give preference to applications from teachers at K-12, community colleges, and federally designated Minority-Serving Institutions. To apply for the fellowship, please complete the application form below by the deadline of Friday, October 14, 2022