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Elizabeth MacGonagle Honored with 2022 Woodyard International Educator Award

LAWRENCE — Elizabeth MacGonagle, associate professor of history and African & African-American studies at the University of Kansas, is the recipient of the 2022 George and Eleanor Woodyard International Educator Award. ...

Kansas African Studies Center Announces Series on Public Health, Well-Being

LAWRENCE — The Kansas African Studies Center (KASC) has announced the schedule for the 2023 Ujamaa Virtual Colloquium Series, which continues the 2022-2023 academic year theme of “Public Health and Well-being in Global Africa.” It features presentations from researchers across the health professions, including biomedicine, health humanities and psychology. ...

The 2022 Global Humanities Institute, "Chronic Conditions: Childhood and Social Suffering in Global Africa," took place Aug. 1-12 at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. More than 30 University of Kansas faculty, staff and students attended the institute, which was a partnership among four universities and led by Katie Rhine, associate director of the Kansas African Studies Center. Credit: Meg Kumin, KU Marketing.

Symposium Will Highlight Scholarship of 2022 Global Humanities Institute in Tanzania

LAWRENCE — The Inaugural Kansas African Studies Center Virtual Symposium will offer an opportunity to learn about findings from the 2022 Global Humanities Institute, "Chronic Conditions: Childhood and Social Suffering in Global Africa," which took place Aug. 1-12 at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. ...