Past Events of Ujamaa Colloquium Series

Spring 2024

Headshot, Brian Norris

Political Decentralization in the Rural Areas in the Global South: Comparing the Cases of Mozambique, Colombia, and Bolivia
Jan. 30, 12 p.m. CT/18:00 UTC

Brian Norris
Associate Professor at Lincoln University, Missouri
Head Shot, Imani Sanga

Sonification of Anti-slavery Resistance in Semzaba’s Kiswahili Play Tendehogo
Mar. 20, 12 p.m. CT/17:00 UTC

Imani Sanga
Professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Image of Sophia Mo

Speak Next to the Masses: Assia Djebar’s Rescripting of the Role of the Revolutionary Writer
Apr. 03, 12 p.m. CT/17:00 UTC

Sophia Mo
Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas

Fall 2023

Image of Prof. Merve Fejzula

A Political Economy of West African Publics, 1840-1920
Nov. 8 12 p.m. CT/18:00 UTC

Merve Fejzula
Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri
Emily Riley Headshot

Welcome to the Teraanga Republic: Women’s Politics in Senegal
Oct. 10 12 p.m. CT/17:00 UTC

Emily Riley
Professor at El Colegio de México
Ebenezer Obadare Headshot

The Martial Turn in African Politics: Origins, Dimensions, and Implications
Sep. 14 12 p.m. CT/17:00 UTC

Ebenezer Obadare
Professor of Sociology,Douglas Dillon senior fellow for Africa Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Spring 2023

Alhaji N'jai poses for a picture

Project 1808, Inc, Decolonizing Education and Transforming Lives Through a School-Community- University Model
Apr. 26 12 p.m. CT

Alhaji N'jai
Associate Professor at the University of Sierra Leone
Puleng Segalo headshot

Interrogating the Everydayness of Gender-Based Violence: Promoting Ethics of Care through Embroidery
Wednesday Mar. 29 12 p.m. CT

Puleng Segalo
Professor of Psychology at the University of South Africa
Nathan Wood headshot

Vagabond Tourism and a Non-Colonial European Gaze:
Kazimierz Nowak’s Bicycle Journey across Africa, 1931-1936
Wednesday Mar. 1 12 p.m. CT

Dr. Nathan Wood
Associate Professor, History Department, University of Kansas
Dr. Trentini headshot

Formal And Informal Collaborations Between Traditional Healers and Public Health in Northern Mozambique
Wednesday Feb. 8, 12 p.m. CT.

Dr. Daria Trentini

Fall 2022

Dr. Trujillo is posed wearing a blue shirt and black jacket

From perception to perspective: Experiencing the intersection between indigenous knowledge and western healthcare delivery in Ghana.
Zoom, Wednesday, November 30, 12:00 pm

Dr. Lisa Trujillo
Dr. Hassaballa is posed wearing a tan hijab and gray suit

Successful Global Health Partnerships Between Kansas and Congo: Addressing Urgent and Non-Urgent Needs
Wednesday Oct. 12, 12 p.m. CT.

Dr. Ithar Hassaballa