Global Humanities Institute
The Global Humanities Institute is a collaborative research project, by the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) and supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation devoted to a research theme, method, practice, or problem in the humanities that would benefit directly from an international, collaborative approach to it.
Chronic Conditions: Childhood and Social Suffering in Global Africa
The theme of the 2022 Global Humanities Institute (GHI) is Chronic Conditions: Childhood and Social Suffering in Global Africa. The overarching goal of this GHI is to offer new ways of thinking about the historical, cultural, spatial, and structural processes that have given rise to chronic health conditions among African and African-descended youth and children. This CHCI / Mellon Global Humanities Institute is a partnership between four universities: the University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas, USA), the University of Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar, Senegal), the University of Dar es Salaam (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) and the Federal University of Bahia (Salvador, Brazil).

Decolonial Methodologies
Babacar Faye - Convener
This group aims to explore how the legacies of slavery and colonization still produce physical and symbolic violence on young racialized bodies in the medical community today. In order to deconstruct the systems of meaning and the relations of domination engendered by this coloniality, which produces and reproduces traumas, the group seeks to develop an approach that could destabilize Euro-centric knowledge on the body, medicine, and human development.

Violence, Suffering, and Inequities
Maria Thereza Ávila Dantas Coelho - Convener
This theme addresses the interlocking histories of economic inequities, systemic, racialized, and gender forms of violence, and the repercussions of these for health outcomes (including mental health) and suffering, especially among children and youth. The group will explore possibilities for resilience, wellbeing, and even joy in the face of these issues. We approach this topic through interdisciplinary frameworks that include (but are not limited to) literature, history, film, public health, psychology, and anthropology.

Medicine and Health
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Arts, Culture, Heritage
Luciano Tosta - Convener
The goal of this group is to investigate the ways in which the arts offer a window onto the experiences of Africans and communities that comprise Global Africa. We will examine, for example, how cultural expressions and historical legacies of enslavement, colonialism, and other forms of exploitation serve as spaces of resistance, resilience, and creativity. In addition to analyzing artistic modes of expressions such as music, dance, fiction, and film, the group will reflect on museums as embodiments of coloniality and contested sites of power and memory.

Interested in applying?
Early career scholars and graduate students are invited to apply to join an international team of scholars committed to developing a research program and model for inclusive collaborative work
Global Humanities Institute - Dar es Salaam 2022