Dr. Karimi headshot

Dr. Peter Ndirangu Karimi

Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacy Practice of the University of Nairobi


I hold a PhD from the university of Nairobi in clinical pharmacy which was awarded in 2017. In addition, I have diverse knowledge in clinical and social sciences. To this end I hold a Mater of science in microbiology, Master of science in health economics, Master of Business administration, Master of clinical Pharmacy, Bachelor of Pharmacy and few diplomas.

I have taught in several universities in the last 20 years and currently I am a senior lecturer of clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice at the University of Nairobi Kenya. During my teaching career, I have published 51 articles in peer reviewed journals and supervised many postgraduate students.

Beside teaching, I have worked with several organizations in Kenya and other countries. Notable among them is the University of Rwanda and Kansas University. I have been involved in training vaccinology which is joint activity between the University of Nairobi and Kansas University since 2014.

Currently I am involved in several research activities in Kenya. My main areas of interest include drug therapy problems and health supply chain management. The main goal is to enhance the quality of life of patients through provision of safe and effective  medicines.. The findings of these activities will inform policy on how to facilitate uninterrupted supply of medicines to patients especially in public health facilities.

Sinnei, D.K., Karimi, P.N., Maru, S.M. et al. Evaluation of vaccine storage and distribution practices in rural healthcare facilities in Kenya. J of Pharm Policy and Pract 16, 25 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40545-023-00535-2

Degu A, Karimi PN, Opanga SA, Nyamu DG. Determinants of survival outcomes among esophageal cancer patients at a national referral hospital in Kenya. ChronicDis Transl Med. 2022;1‐9. doi:10.1002/cdt3.52

Fredrick Githinji , Shital M. Maru , Peter N. Karimi , Eugene Rutungwa, and Egide ayitare. Factors affecting provision of female family planning commodities in public health facilities in Kajiado county, Kenya. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2022) 15:91.

Degu A, Karimi PN, Opanga SO, Nyamu DG. Survival outcomes among colorectal cancer patients at Kenyatta National Hospital: A retrospective cohort study. Cancer reports.2022; e1743.doi.10.1002/cnr2.1743

Monicah W. Karara, Faith Apolot Okalebo, Peter K. Ndirangu and Sylvia A. Opanga. Comparative Glycemic Control in Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes on Herbal and Conventional Glucose-Lowering Agents in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 19(2): 25-34, 2022

Degu A, Karimi PN, Opanga SA, Nyamu DG. Predictors of survival outcomes among patients with gastric cancer in a leading tertiary, teaching and referral hospital in Kenya. Cancer Med. 2022; 00:1-14. doi: 10.1002/ cam4.527

George Walukana, Shital Maru, Peter Karimi, Pierre Claver Kayumba Effect of Universal Health Coverage on the Availability of Medicines in Public Health Facilities in Kisumu County, in Kenya. Rwanda J Med Health Sci 2021;4(2): 269-280

 Anyona Johnson, Karimi Peter, Maru Shital. Inventory Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance of Antiretroviral Medicines in Public Hospitals in Nyamira County, Kenya, Rwanda J Med Health Sci 2021;4(2): 257-268.

 Karimi PW, Karimi PN, Wata DE. Adverse Drug Events and Predictors of One Year Survival among Adult Patients   with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in a Kenyan Tertiary Health Facility. J Cancer Sci Clin Onco,2   l 021; 8(1):102

Lucy Wanjiku Kanja, Peter Ndirangu Karimi, Shital Mahindra Maru, Pierre Claver Kayumba, Regis Hitimana. Factors that affect vaccines availability in public health facilities in Nairobi city county: a cross sectional study. Pan African Medical journal. 2021; 38:72[doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.38.72.21580

Eunice Wangechi Muthuki, David Gitonga Nyamu, Peter Ndirangu Karimi. Adequacy of blood pressure control and management patterns among hypertensive adult patients attending a sub-county hospital in central Kenya: a cross-sectional study. Pan African Medical Journal, 2020;37:325. [doi: 10.11604/pamj.2020.37.325.25366

Charles M Kabiru; Peter N Karimi; David G Nyamu; Irene W Weru. Drug therapy problems and health related quality of life among patients with colorectal cancer in a Kenyan tertiary health facility. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice:2021(27) 2;428- 434. DOI: 10.1177/1078155220971024.

P Wakoli, S Opanga, P Karimi. Effectiveness and safety of artemether lumefantrine in malaria treatment at a regional referral hospital in Kenya. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 2021 (30) 430-430.

Norah K. Maore, Peter N. Karimi and Eric M. Guantai. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Bacteria Implicated in Neonatal Sepsis at Pumwani Maternity Hospital. East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 23 (2020) 67-71.

Gathoni KC, Karimi PN, Weru IW. Drug therapy problems and clinical outcomes among patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) positive breast cancer on Trastuzumab-based therapy in a Kenyan Tertiary Health Facility. J Cancer Sci Clin Oncol, 2020. 6(1): 105.

Eunice W. Muthuki, David G. Nyamu, Peter N. Karimi, Kefa O. Bosire. Predictors of non-adherence to antihypertensive therapy in a rural health facility in Kenya Afr. J. Pharmacol. Ther. 2020. 9(2): 34-38.

Ganatra N.1, Karimi P.N., Shital M., Kayumba C. Factors that affect the availability of medicines in public health facilities in Kenya: A case study of Nairobi City County. Vol. 24, No 3/ Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya / 2020

Gaceri P.G., Karimi P.N. Medication Related Problems in Patients with Head and Neck Cancers at Kenyatta National Hospital. Vol. 24, No 4/ Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya / 2020.

Musembi Y.W., Karimi P.N. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Urogenital Pathogens in a Kenyan Tertiary Health Facility Vol. 24, No 4/ Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya / 2020.

EW Njau, SA Opanga, PN Karimi. Prevalence and management of dyslipidemias in adult renal transplant recipients attending nephrology clinic at a Tertiary Hospital in Kenya Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety,2019 (28) 91-91.

Emmanuel M Mwengi, David G Nyamu, Peter M Njogu, Peter N Karimi. Antihypertensive therapy and adequacy of blood pressure control among adult hypertensive diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease in a tertiary referral hospital. Hospital practice, 2019.

Innocent M, Karimi PN, Nyamu DG and Maranga ISO: Efficacy and cost of granisetron versus ondansetron in the prevention of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting among cancer patients at Kenyatta National Hospital. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2018; 9(4): 1644-49. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.9(4).1644-49.

A.W. Karita, D.G. Nyamu, P.N. Karimi, S.C. Gitau. Amphotericin B toxicities among HIV infected adults with Cryptococcal Meningitis in Kiambu District Hospital. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. Vol. 23, No 4/ Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya / 2018. P 113-117

Ayan A. Magot, Peter N. Karimi, Eric M. Guantai , Shital M. Maru, and David G. Nyamu. Identification and characterization of potential drug interactions in hypertensive patients in a Kenyan tertiary hospital. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 7 No. 1 Pages 7-12, 2018.

P.N. Karimi, A.N. Guantai, C. Kigondu and T. Ogaro. Prevalence of adverse events of Anti tuberculosis drugs and their impact on adherence to treatment in Nairobi City County. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. 2017. Vol. 23 No. 2. 56-60.

P.N. Karimi, A.N. Guantai, C. Kigondu and T. Ogaro. Adverse Drug Reactions Among Patients Being Treated for Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Nairobi City County Health Facilities. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. 2017.Vol. 23 No. 2. 61-65.

Amsalu Degu, Peter Njogu, Irene Weru and Peter Karimi. Assessment of drug therapy problems among patients with cervical cancer at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya. Gynecologic Oncology Research and Practice (2017) 4:15DOI 10.1186/s40661-017- 0054-9.7.

E. K. Kituzi, P. N. Karimi, D. G. Nyamu and L. J. Tirop.Effect of Insulin Storage and Administration Methods on Long Term Glycaemic Control among Adult Diabetic Patients in a Kenyan Referral Hospital. East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 19 (2016) 3-9.

C.K. Maina, P.N. Karimi, K. Mariita, D.G Nyamu, G.A Mugendi, S.A Opanga. Correlates and management of anaemia of chronic kidney disease in a Kenyan Tertiary Hospital. East African Medical Journal - Vol 93, No 10 (2016).

K. Mariita, G. Nyamu, C. K. Maina, P. N. Karimi, A. Mugendi and T. B. Menge. Patient associated factors that affect adherence to warfarin therapy in a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Kenya. East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.Vol. 18 (2015) 67-74.

Bichanga K.P, Karimi N.P, Guantai E.M. Adherence to National Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria at the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital in Kenya. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. Vol. 23 No. 1/2016.

Mwangi WW, Karimi P, Githinji C and Fatmah, Challenges in the pharmacological management of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma in children in the maintenance phase of therapy at Kenyatta National Hospital. J Cancer Sci Oncol 3(2): 207.doi: 10.15744/2394- 6520.3.207.

Winnie W. Mwangi, Peter Karimi, Apollo Maima, Charles Githinji, Abdallah Fatuma.Factors influencing the Management of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in Children at Kenyatta National Hospital. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. Vol. 23 No. 1/2016.

Aisha Mongi, David Nyamu, Peter Karimi, and Shital Maru. Evaluation of the management of hypertension among diabetic and non-diabetic adult outpatients at a referral hospital in Kenya. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 5 No. 2 Pages 93-99, 2016.

Kizito Mariita, David G Nyamu, Carol K Maina, Peter N Karimi, Tom B Menge. Patient factors impacting on oral anticoagulation therapy among adult outpatients in a Kenyan referral hospital. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Vol 5 No 3(2016).

Cecilia M. Wamalwa, Caroline N. Wafula, Peter N. Karimi, Kefa B. Ogonyo and George Wandolo. Factors that influence adequacy of asthma control in children residing in Naivasha, a flower growing area in Kenya. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 5. 4 Pages221-228, 2016. 8.

Lawrence M. Kimani,Peter N. Karimi, Sylvia A. Opanga and Kefa O. Bosire. Treatment of chronic heart failure in adults at a referral hospital in Kenya: adverse drug reactions and determinants of adherence. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 5 No.1 Pages 35-41, 2016.

Faith R Lulalire, Peter N Karimi, Evans M Mwagangi, George Wandolo. Effect of Magnesium Sulphate in Mothers suffering from Toxemia of Pregnancy and their Neonates. African journal of Pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol 5, No 2 (2016)

Mwai G.O.,Nyamu D.G.,Menge T.B., Karimi P.N. Prevalence and Preventive strategies of Nephrotoxicity in Patients receiving Cisplatin based regimen in a Kenyan Referral Hospital. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. Vol. 22 No. 3/Dec. 2013.

Rugendo A.B., Karimi P.N. Amugune B.K., Maima A.O. Impact of medication related problems on individualized dispensing at Kenyatta National Hospital. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. Vol. 22 No. 3 / Dec. 2015.

Nassali Huldha, Karimi Peter, Nyamu David, Guantai Eric, Maima Apollo O, Kajungu Dan, Kirui Jackson. Evaluation of prescribing practices at Kenyatta National Hospital. The pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. Vol 22 No 2 pages 42-49, 2015.

Wasike C.N, Karimi P.N, Mwangangi E., Bosire K. Antibiotic prescribing for neonatal sepsis at Kisii Level 5 Hospital, Kenya. The pharmaceutical Journal of Kenya. Vol 22 No 2 pages 34-38, 2015.

Deogratias M. Katabalo, David G. Nyamu, Beatrice Amugune, Peter N. Karimi, Faith A. Okalebo, Kefa O. Bosire, and Gichuru Muriuki. Determinants of Adherence to Anticonvulsants Therapy among Outpatient Epileptic Children in a Kenyan Referral Hospital. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 4 No. 2 Pages 40-47, 2015.

Linet K. Elamenya Peter N. Karimi, Nasser Nyamweya, Caroline N. Wafula Faith A. Okalebo. Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Bacteria that cause Wound Sepsis in the Paediatric Surgical Patients at Kenyatta National Hospital. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 4 No. 1 Pages 21-27, 2015

Caroline N. Wafula , Cecilia M. Wamalwa , Margaret Ambetsa , Linet Elamenya , Boniface Osano , Dalton Wamalwa , Faith A. Okalebo, Kefa O. Bosire, George Wandolo, and Peter N. Karimi. Effect of Pesticide Exposure on Serum Cholinesterase Levels among Asthmatic Children in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 4 No. 1 Pages 7-15, 2015 .9.

Nancy G. Nkonge, Sylvia A. Opanga , Eric M. Guantai and Peter N. Karimi, Knowledge of Correct Use among Hormonal Contraceptive Users in a Kenyan Referral Hospital. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 3 No. 4 Pages 105- 111, 2014.

Jackson K. Kirui , Raphael Ngure , Christine Bii , Peter N. Karimi , Charles Mutaie, and Beatrice K. Amugune.Combined Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Eucalyptus citriodora and Syzygium aromaticum Essential Oils. African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 3 No. 1 Pages 29-37, 2014.

P.N. Karimi, J.M. Bururia, P.A. Odhiambo, B.K. Amugune, G.O. Museve. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Enterobacteriaceae collected from patients with Wounds at Kenyatta National Hospital. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12(2). p.42.2009.

P.N.Karimi, T.K. Ndungu, K.A.M. Kuria, J.M. Bururia,S.M Maru. Prescription Audit carried out at the Pharmacy Practice Centre of the University of Nairobi between June and November 2004. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10 (2). p.50.2007.

J.M. Bururia, P.N. Kinyanjui, P.G. Waiyaki, S.M. Kariuki, P.N. Karimi. Plasmid Borne Resistance in Klebsiella isolates from Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Kenya. East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.2007.

P.N. Karimi, T.K. Ndungu, K.A.M. Kuria, J.M. Bururia,S.M. Maru, P.A Odhiambo. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus at the Kenyatta National Hospital. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9 (3). p.74.2006.

In addition to research activities, I have served at different capacities at Moi University including being founding chair department of Midwifery and Gender 2012-2015, School of nursing representative to graduate school, participated in development of various curricula at school of nursing and college of health sciences including, Master of Science Nursing (Maternal and Neonatal Health) curriculum, Bachelor of Science Nursing Curriculum Master of Medicine Reproductive health, Development and implementation of nursing and midwifery protocols, guidelines, courses and programs, particularly developed clinical midwifery protocols, Bachelor of Science in psychology curriculum.

My experience also spans in leadership and policy. I served as a County Executive Committee Member (regional minister) for the County Government of Uasin Gishu (Dec 2017- N0v 2022).  During my tenure I was able to implement key activities towards improving maternal and neonatal health and impact overall in health. Key achievements include construction, equipping and operationalization of health facilities, notably operationalization of theatre services and first ever 20 bed Intensive care unit by County Government of Uasin Gishu. Development of innovative measures to coordinate and handle emergencies, through establishment of a 24 hour call centre,  realized Improvement in Health indicators to include increase in skilled birth attendants from 67%in 2017 to 88% in 2021, proportion of fully immunized children from 75.4% in 2018 to 86.6% in 2021 and uptake of 4th antenatal care 40.2 % in 2018 to 51.5 % in 2021.Initiated measures to scale up NHIF and LINDA MAMA Rebates that realized an increase in rebates to health facilities from Kshs. 7,000,000 per annum in 2017 to over Kshs 100,000,000.00-year 2021. Guided Development of different policy documents for department of health County Government of Uasin Gishu, Initiated distribution of sanitary towels to schools in collaboration with the office of the First Lady County, Invested in development of human resource capacity initiatives,  Empowerment and development of different committees at the County Department of health, In ensuring service excellence, operational and organizational efficiency, improved quality of care, initiated measures to improve the coordination of health service delivery through,

As a CECM, I participated in development of different policy documents and guidelines for the Ministry of Health, and Council of Governors, including Kenya Health Financing Strategy 2020-2030;  Kenya Health Strategic Plan 2018-2023; Inter-Governmental Participation Agreement on implementation of Universal Health Coverage, Participated in Midterm Review of the Transforming Health Services funding programme with World Bank team, Chaired Health Care Financing, Leadership and Governance Committee of the County Executive Committee Members for Health Caucus at the Council of Governors, Co-chaired Health Care Financing Intergovernmental Technical Working Group, Representation of CECMs for Health Caucus in Reproductive maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent Health Technical Assistance Multi Donor Trust Fund (RMNCAH TA MDTF) advisory Group at world bank and Board Member AMPATH, chairperson Finance and Human Resource Committee.

Having served as Chairperson of the Nursing Council of Kenya between September 2010 to June 2015. Duties and responsibilities included: Providing oversight to the Nursing Council Nursing Council of Kenya in regulation of nursing and midwifery education and practice in Kenya, making provision for training and instruction of persons seeking registration or enrolment as nurses and midwives in Kenya, establishing and improving standards of all branches of the nursing profession and safeguard interests of all nurses in Kenya, Prescribing and Regulating syllabuses and instruction courses of training for persons seeking registration as nurses or midwives in Kenya, Directing and supervising the compilation and maintenance or registers, rolls and records for nurses in Kenya and Advising the Cabinet Secretary on matters concerning all aspects of nursing. Guided in the development of tools and systems towards cooperate Governance, competitive recruitment of CEO/registrar, institution of mechanisms for effective human resource management systems and structures, Development of strategic plan 2012-2017, Development of different syllabi including syllabi for Bsc. Nursing, and syllabi for Upgrading of KRCHN to Bsc. Midwifery. Developed tools for cost containment and risk management (audit, finance, procurement manuals) and Development and review of governance manuals (HRM manuals, legal and other instruments).

My passion is in maternal and newborn health and overarching passion towards provision of affordable, reliable, quality health services to all.

Dr. Karimi's work